The Timid Shade

The warmer months spent coiled in a passionate embrace
Their bodies, furnaces through the sweltering Summer
Glistening with sweat, brows quivering under the weight of the passions they entertained
Candles burned through the evening, giving light to their fantasies
A tangled mess of passions and emotions under the timid shade of the old oak tree
Every day a lifetime of happiness, express delivered free of any pain

The rains came suddenly, their embrace was doused
Their furnaces visible no lounger, hidden from sight by tweeds and thick wool
Their brows, inactive now for many days, turned rigid; stony and free of emotion
The wick of the candles burned down, darkness descending between them
The oak tree no longer a shade from from the beating weather
Rugged up in bed, taking in nothing but the cold air the other used to breathe

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  1. lukepevpetrovski


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